dr paul barattiero hydrogen water machine

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Is there a discount associated with this podcast? So the way to keep your gut is never, ever ever to use antibiotics on an overuse perspective, and people say what does that mean? Dont freak out. So no, you dont have that. 12 years ago, he set out to educate the world on the vast benefits of molecular hydrogen. Not only do they convert fatty acids and fiber, in which obviously comes from vegetables for those that dont know where fiber comes from, but fiber comes from vegetables. We have food going into our gastrointestinal tract, we convert those foods into hydrogen and methane, and several other gases. So for so many years, people were using these machines that made alkaline water, and they were drinking pH that was way too high. Yeah, Wi Fi is just, its just confusing, because and what weve learned, because heres the deal. // R E A D Y S E T R E S E T This episode is all about water and Wi-Fi. So while you are in our field, youre good. agree, I, well, heres the deal. Oh. And theyre like, what? Also shocked about the cell phone information. And as Organa phi has so generously done for my audience, they will give you 20% off when you use this code. However, there are things like hydroxyl radicals superoxide, different things like this, that are reactive oxygen species, or oxygen radicals that typically mess up the mitochondrial respiratory chain or mitochondrial function in general. And the reason I do that is because there are multiple studies from Russia, showing that if we change the epithelial tissue of the tissue in the gastrointestinal tract, to at least a negative 300 millivolts of electrical potential, it selectively stimulates anaerobic micro flora. And I think that so Im thinking its a little bit like remodeling your house, and making the inside of your house more enjoyable to live in. In this episode, Dr. Paul Barattiero, a certified naturopathic doctor and the CEO and founder of Synergy Science, discusses its mechanisms and success stories showing its power to heal. Its part of the it should be part of our natural daily habits to again, thrive in this modern environment. I know. Dr. Mindy 18:53 And so we can we can help with that. On this episode of the resetter podcast, we are going to talk about water and Wi Fi. And they are seeing that if our device by itself is there, it creates its field. The problem with electron donors is once you donate that electron, you now have a prooxidant left behind that the body also has to get rid of with hydrogen. Because Im somebody whos, I have a pretty strong strong health habit, right? And this is, you know, how I approach my my menopause experience and why I read the menopause reset is I was like, why does so many women have menopause symptoms? Ive been mixing it with a harmony, which I figure oh my gosh, give me some more progesterone, give me some more Gabba and everybodys gonna want to hang out with me, because Ill be the most chill person on the planet. 3 gallon water jug capacity. But I will tell you that because hydrogen is modulating certain pathways, its not as as tough of a deal metabolically for your body to not have minerals and other things come in, because the things that mineral right regulates hydrogen regulates. Right? Its absolutely appropriate to have hydrogen gas going into the body multiple times a day, not just us as therapy, but actually happening multiple times a day to regulate pathways. Once we started creating pesticides and overusing antibiotics, our guts got ruined. Paul Barattiero presents Echo Water Machine 1378 views Jun 11 2017 Like Dislike Share Save Hal Woods Videos Subscribe Echo 9 Ultra H2 Water Machine is the ultimate in . They get stuck because theyre feeling dizzy, theyre tired, theyre hardest palpate palpitating or theyre just too darn hungry. Right. When we talk about the energy increase, youre talking about mitochondrial function, thats the next fastest thing youll feel when youre drinking the water because the mitochondria of the body are offloaded as soon as the oxidative stress is reduced. But they dont affect viruses. Just drinking a bottle of it. selfishly wanted to have this conversation. Im like you actually do. So it was really study on fibroblasts, if any of you that understand what fibroblasts are, it was, it was on tissue connectivity and fibroblasts, basically, for those that are not understanding what fibroblasts are, fibroblasts dropped collagen down into a wound bed, and they kind of haphazardly go across a wound to fill the hole or to cause the tissue to recombine. Dr. Paul Barattiero 17:32 Thats what people have been eating for, you know, millenia on this planet. So well said thank you for that. Actually, other than great bullet point information that will like help you to dial in your fast really quickly. And thats emfs. Yeah. His lectures present the causal problem and the solutions through scientific studies. Dr. Paul Barattiero 51:30 So this is beautiful. So I ended up like researching fasting is Im like, how could one activity, all these benefits, I had to dive into the science and same thing with hydrogen water. I mean, its kind of romantic when you look at the way the body is supposed to function. But anyways, the point is, we are organs are supposed to communicate with each other. And so if you have food allergies, you have gut issues, that thats a telltale sign. I love this idea of using it on a fast. And second, we reduce the signal strength by anywhere from 70 to 80%, depending on which device. Did you know that you are supposed to have certain bacteria in your gut to be able not only to keep your immune system strong, but to produce neurotransmitters like GABA we love Gabba Gabba is a neurotransmitter that calms us. Yes, absolutely. So we had to ask ourselves, why is 5g so much worse? Hydrogen Water Machines Echo H2 Ultimate Hydrogen Water $ Add To Cart. And by the way, weve tested all the way up to 42,000 megahertz only company in the world thats tested up that. thanks to Dr. Mindy. Thats why all those college pranks, you can light it right? Such And the other thing I would say is teach them that they are loved and that they have a group they belong to tell them, tell them, they belong to you, and you love them. That second brain that our gut is, food allergies, go away, all these kind of things happen. Because the earth produces electromagnetic fields, obviously, our campuses would have worked. So, you will put metals into that water because electrolysis, that's what it has. Instead of reinventing the wheel and trying to find a new version of this, we came up with a way to create hydrogen and dissolve it into water for easier access to the body. Yeah. And so the reality is, I created these products that are foundational in what they do from an immune function from a brain function from all of this. When we dont have hydrogen gas. Correct. And it can take up to two years to restore your gut bacteria back. Call now! Its not the human body that needs to get patches put on it. I would make sure you do everything you can to keep their gut intact. And things like hydrogen water and protecting us from EMF have gone from being well, this is my perception and correct me if Im wrong, Paul, that theyve gone from being these fringe things to being really powerful healing tools to combat this modern world. So typical tap water, or other types of water that you would drink have a positive electrical charge, so that you might look at them under whats called an Ort meter. And it has an abundance of this key bacteria, we need to keep ourselves calm and to be able to metabolize hormones. Because they affect us through calcium channels, they affect us through cell membranes, which goes study cell membranes, youll understand the this is whats one of the most critical things in the body is the actual surface area of the cell in the human body. A lot of people say they start dreaming again. So how would I know again, I think this is such an interesting concept because I dont think people are as aware of what Wi Fi is doing to them. So please let us know if theres anything we can do to make this podcast more customized to you to make it better. Trevor King: Just to let you know as well, there almost certainly will be technical issues folks. People who drink hydrogen water will feel more mental clarity. We need hydrogen water because our guts are not functioning. So if somebody had been on a round of antibiotics, drinking hydrogen water would replenish that better than a probiotic, perhaps? So if youre one of those people who youre struggling with healing, youre youre feel like youre doing everything you cant get to that next level of health. So thats what got me really thinking. He decided to remove the components that cause water electrolysis machines to fail, and developed the machine that would not have these inherent weaknesses and issues. If youre if theyre listening to this, and theyre like, this is fascinating. Dr. Barattiero has lectured across the world over the last 22 years. We discuss how we can repair our gut microbiome, and the ways we can thrive with all of the technology around us. Would you? Dr. Paul Barattiero is the CEO of Synergy Science, Inc., which manufactures products focused on detoxification, improving gut health, and boosting immune function. Look, I. Dr. Paul Barattiero 47:12 They are redoing this study using our technology to show if it undoes that. So thank you. Well, first of all, not all of them are bad, we need to understand that just because you have your nice little meter that says theres EMF doesnt mean theyre harmful to you. It can also help with other diseases, like diabetes and neurological dysfunctions Hydrogen water has a lot of miraculous benefits to the human body. Everyone knows what it feels like to love. And so today, I'm super, super excited because one of the things that I am obsessed with is water and hydration. Im sure there are. industry expert founded Synergy Science, Inc. after being in the industry over 14 years and understanding electrolysis and its benefits and weaknesses. And so if thats the case, which I do believe it is, and you have to come to the decision on your own what you what you understand, but paint doesnt work. Dr. Paul Barattiero 10:02 That was okay, I have two more questions for you. Can you please stop sending down some of this food content? I do think the science is really impressive. Well, the problem is radiation. Lifestyle Steps to Heal Your Menopausal Brain with Dr. Annette Bosworth, What You Need to Know About Water with Mario Brainovic, Reclaim Your Journey as a Woman with Kelly Brogan, How to Do Life Around Your Hormones with Kate Northrup, https://ratethispodcast.com/resetterpodcast, Why hydrogen water will actually repair the terrain of your gut, How hydrogen water is way more effective than a probiotic, The ways you can protect yourself from Wi-Fi. Molecular or diatomic hydrogen is 2 atoms of hydrogen bound together. When you do a water fast with hydrogen water, you will most likely not get hungry during the fast. That thats, its for those that will make a choice for themselves. I think that is an incredible idea. No, no, theres no herxheimer youre really talking about a herxheimer effect.

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