project stargate documents

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They predicted that it was an alien spaceship headed towards Earth. ! ? Background The Stargate Project was the umbrella code name of one of several sub-projects established by the U.S. Federal Government to investigate claims of psychic phenomena with potential military and domestic applications, particularly "remote viewing": the purported ability to psychically "see" events, sites, or information from a great ~ REMOTE VIEWING Types of Targets ? Interim Report - 8916 ? They were interested in knowing about the power of suggestion, and what it can do to someones mind. Both Ingo Swann and a second agent named Harold Sherman were placed in sensory deprivation tanks, and asked to remote view to another planet. STax W1T8 (5) Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898003300210001-2 ? Scientific American. ? ? Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898003300210001-2 Categories of Taskings Because of this reporting, people who believed very strongly in the existence of aliens clung on to it as proof that what they had believed for years was finally being confirmed. Primary Methodologies NO ValYe It seems a cataclysm has occurred. ? The trove includes the papers of Henry Kissinger, who served as secretary of state under presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford, as well as several hundred thousand pages of intelligence analysis and science research and development. Five Secrets Revealed In Recently Declassified CIA Documents Special Activity Report ? ? Credit: The Daily Grail. It's the ability to spy on unseen targets through mind senses. ? Definitions ? (6} Date: PDF Project Star Gate Benefits ? Crazy Rulers of the World. Interestingly enough, not even Terry Waite himself knew that there were other people being kept hostage in the same building for four and a half years, because they had all be kept separate from one another. Project Stargate and Scanate were the names of the CIA and Army's initiatives into remote viewing research. Secondary Methodologies and Support Activity. The Sorcerers Apprentice: A Skeptics Journey Into the CIAs Project Stargate and Remote Viewing. THE REPORT Screengrab:. eonfirietory data and vhethar collection requiraaants era currently In these notes, the viewer also wrote that she saw another alien that was shaped like a human with a long skinny neck, but that its face was totally blank, without any definitive features. Credit: The Daily Mail. Jim Schnabel. It seems like no other alleged psychic has been so routinely vindicated and debunked. OVERVIEW ? Operations Methodology PSYCHOKINESIS But the rest of the world knew that there was no credibility to her statements that aliens were about to invade the planet. ? The majority of the Project Stargate experiments had to do with remote viewing because it was believed that this particular psi ability had the most tactical value. ? During a remote viewing test, Brown sat in a different room and correctly guessed what someone else was drawing. David Morehouse wrote an autobiography about his experiences called Psychic Warrior: Inside the Cias Stargate Program : The True Story of a Soldiers Espionage and Awakening. Top 10 Spookiest Declassified Project Stargate Documents There has also never been a rational explanation as to how he could have known what was on the computer screen, since it would have been impossible to influence the machine simply by talking. At that point, the United States had only looked at the potential existence of psychic powers from a psychological perspective. The story of Frank Olson has been investigated in multiple documentaries, including the Unsolved Mysteries TV series, the Netflix docu-series Wormwood, and more. Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898003300210001-2 ? John Herlosky. Geographical Areas or Fixed Sites However, this answer was still pretty vague, and it may have just been a good guess. Sure enough, the second autopsy, which was performed by the George Washington University Law Center, showed completely different results than the one provided by the CIA. So, what, exactly were they investigating? Purpose Secondary Methodologies enclosed Project STAR GATE Knowledgeability Control Record be House Proficiency Enhancements and Operational Procedures, dated Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898003300210001-2 nse) 1 Intelligence Technician Stargate Project became public knowledge in 1995 after the declassification of CIA documents. Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898003300210001-2 Throughout her report of the vision, she made it seem as though she believed these aliens could easy come and go from Earth as they pleased. Management TASKING SHEET S-64,008/PAG-TA As you may recall, MKULTRA 'was an 1'umbrella project" under \vhich certain sensitive subprojects \vere funded, involving among other things research on drugs and behavioral modification. ? SECRET NOFORN STAR GATE LIMDIS Are they all crazy, or is there something really going on? (S/NF) As per discussions with Chief, Technology The word was fuse, and he drew a firecracker, with a fuse coming out of one end. The clouds themselves had many layers. 2015. ? Reduction of Physical Arousal Over the course of 8 days, they conducted different experiments every day, and recorded the data. I'm here to give you the rundown: the premises on which we built it, the limitations we've faced and worked through, and most importantly, the improvements we have made as a community in the past few months. _ SECRET NOFORN STAR GATE LIMDIS One of the experiments conducted with psychic powers was trying to get remote viewers to identify objects that are out of view, which could be extremely useful in identifying what sort of weapons the enemy has. When he was free, he confirmed all of the information that the remote viewers had described about Terry Waite. Tha iolloxinq is an evaluation fora for the project you reviexed. Their descriptions of Jupiter were recorded independent of one another, and yet they both described almost identical visions. OVERVIEW The CIA called upon David Morehouse in two specific cases. 2008. One of the computers was randomly generating images, and he was asked to draw what the computer showed on the screen. Secondary Methodologies ? The goal of the experiment was to get Subject 052 to successfully describe a particular object, a silver Navajo necklace stored some distance away. (d) PURPOSE Crazy Rulers of the World. SECRET NOFORN STAR GATE LIMDIS COMMENTS: COORDINATES: 486732/194547 During the Uri Geller tests, there was a day when one of the scientists drew a picture of a rabbit before Geller had even arrived, and it was locked in a cabinet. ? Military Mind Control? Psychic Army Division Revealed in CIA Files - Physical Actions Performed by Mental Powers Operations Methodology Nuclear/Non-Nuclear Targets On April 20, 1995, the CIA received the following unsolicited intel from famed psi-sensitive and CIA operative Joe McMoneagle about the (supposedly) domestic terrorism event that had occurred the day before. ? Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898003300210001-2 Explore in 3D: The dazzling crown that makes a king. Here is the short summary of their research: Joe McMoneagle is the CIA operative for Project Stargate who wrote most of these documents. There is a particular sub-group of UFO enthusiasts that believe that aliens walk among us, and that they choose to breed with attractive blonde humans. ? Primary Methodologies Washington, DC, 20340. can reached at ? Obviously, that had nothing to do with it, because the men could not find Saddam Hussein, either. ? {3) Summary Personnel Participation High value Central Intelligence Agency. So if they were able to tap into that energy, they could read minds and move things at will. The United States government did, however, think that studies with hypnosis were very interesting. Special Activity Report (6) (d) They described that it was a massive sphere-shaped ship, similar to the Death Star in Star Wars, filled with tunnels, corridors, and multiple rooms. Primary Methodologies NASA had just launched a satellite to Jupiter called Pioneer 10, and they were curious to see if they could send a psychic probe to the planet at the same time, and see if the remote viewing descriptions matched the reality of the mysterious planet. The Soviets believed in something called Bioenergetics, which is the belief that all living things give off an energy. Commonly found in the Stargate documents are handwritten records of remote viewing sessions with simple sketches and graphics. Their descriptions are so similar, it truly is like they rehearsed their lines beforehand, but they had no way of knowing that they were 100% accurate to the reality. When a team found the plane and investigated the crash, they realized that the remote viewers were correct. Over time, the SRI would produce dozens of classified documents which would eventually be included in the Project Stargate FOIA release. This item: Project Stargate and Remote Viewing Technology: The CIA's Files on Psychic Spying by Axel Balthazar Paperback $22.00 Remote Viewing Secrets: A Handbook by Joseph McMoneagle Paperback $16.99 The Essential Guide to Remote Viewing: The Secret Military Remote Perception Skill Anyone Can Learn by Paul H. Smith PhD Paperback $19.99 If Brown and Calabrese were to be believed, there was a spaceship headed towards Earth, which may or may not result in an alien invasion. In August of 1973, the CIA spent a week working with Uri Geller to test his psychic abilities. Mission They also descriptions of other additional non-English-speaking hostages that were also captured and tortured. While his handler gave him a few different sets of coordinates to take a look at before Joe fizzled out, his main area of focus was later revealed to be the Cydonia region of Mars. Inexpensive Scientists already knew that Titan has a thick atmosphere, similar to the Earth. Types of Targets Credit: Wikimedia Commons. In 1988, Project Sunstreak set out to use remote viewing to figure out his location. SECRET NOFORN STAR GATE LIMDIS Hostage negotiations with the terrorist group and the Lebanese government went on for years, and he was not released until 1991. FURTHER DISSEMINATION The CIA wanted to see if they could train their psychic agents to move things with their mind, and they believe Swann was a good candidate in the use of psychokinesis. l Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898003300210001-2 ? Brought in as an outside contractor in 1972, the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) remained the CIAs steadfast partner until the end of the Stargate project. ? ? Customer Taskings In Support of ? This was a sign to the U.S. government that if there actually was any evidence of alien life, it was best to keep silent, because there is no way to know how the public might react. TYPES OF TARGETS Credit: Wikimedia Commons. (S) OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT McMoneagle related that five men, not two, were responsible for the incident and that three were Arabic. SUSPENSE: A few did, however, make small balls out of clay, which is accurate to what the necklace looked like. ? Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898003300210001-2 As of 2017, Project Farsight is still an active CIA operation. Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898003300210001-2 project with Somalia: cleaners and finders. : r/STARGATE_CIA - Reddit By 1991, The Gulf War had begun, and remote viewers from Project Stargate had gone to do their duty, or they had simply retired out of the military. Training Procedures Assessment and Support He was kidnapped and kept in solitary confinement in Bairut, Lebanon. ACCESS AND DESCRIBE TARGET Management

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