quran expanding universe debunked

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The first Quranic verse above can be interpreted that people spread out across the earth (using the English translation). God created the sky - and truly He is its expander. The species which currently inhabit the earth could not have evolved within a few thousand years from a pair of kinds, nor could a pair of each species fit on the boat described. Later, when the science was more thoroughly understood, a clot of blood did not really match the reality we saw. The Qur'an claims that the sun sets in a muddy pool (18:86), that semen is formed between the backbone and ribs (86:6-7), that the earth is flat (88:20), that there are seven earths (65:12), that the sun orbits the earth (36:38-40), that human embryos are blood-clots (22:5), that the sky would fall on the earth if Allah didn't hold it up (22:65), and that stars are missiles that Allah uses to shoot demons who try to sneak into heaven (37:6-10; 67:5). Dont worry if its already been discovered or if the words dont fit. According to many Islamic sources, Quran 51:47 refers to the expansion of the universe, a phenomenon that has been made known to us in the recent century. discovery that confirmed the Big Bang theory. The Big Bang theory showed that in the beginning all the objects in the universe were of one piece and then were parted. [Al-Qurub]: Ibn Abbs said, We are powerful, able. And it is said, We have great vastness (in ability) in creating it and in creating other things besides it, nothing that we desire (to create) is difficult upon us. And it is said, We have made expansive the provision for our creation from Ibn Abbs as well. The prefixed particle lm is usually translated as surely or indeed and is used to add emphasis. It is also said, we are expansive in strength, power, meaning we are able from ability (wus, qah). Reddit - Dive into anything And al-ahhk said, Rich (aghniy), its evidence is the saying of Allh (D), the wealthy (almsi) according to his ability (2:236). However, that's not the issue I'm concerned with. heavens and the earth Able to create the likes of them? Yes; and He is the Muhammad Sarwar: We have made the heavens with Our own hands and We expanded it. It was only in the 20th Century that the collaboration of Scientists from different principles eventually led to the proposition of Big Bang theory but the Quran declared it about 1400 years ago. Muslim scholars who have explained the previous verse One can hardly think of a more inaccurate description of the Big Bang than this verse. Cool channel. Future generations may find even different meanings based on yet to be discovered science. There is no geological evidence of a worldwide flood. Does the universe have a physical boundary based on the Islamic contents? The Quran is clearly talking about the pre-Copernican view of the universe that regarded the earth as its center with the seven heavens containing the sun, moon, planets and stars around it. Debunking: Quran 51:47 "And the heaven we constructed with strength, and indeed we are [it's] expander.". QGIS automatic fill of the attribute table by expression, Short story about swapping bodies as a job; the person who hires the main character misuses his body. The active participles root is ( ). The Quran revealed the planets move in orbits before this was known. alhamdulillah i read this, and now i know that before the founding of big bang theory by the scientists, the expanding of the earth is there in the Holy Qur'an. explanation for this observation was that the universe had to be expanding. This means an interpretation of the meaning of a word, verse or chapter can only be based on an evidenced source. And the heaven We constructed with strength, and indeed, We are [its] expander. In the previous verse, the Arabic words ratq and fataq brought about the beginning of the universe. So the creation of the heavens is a much greater and complex creation than any other creation of Allah, and Allah here gives examples of how even if this creation was that difficult, complex and great HE is able to expand and go further, this is a sign for mankind, as they can only witness the result of HIS creation without being able to observe how. Which religions followers will go in Paradise, If there is God then why so much injustice around, Determinism and Freewill: Scientific and Religious Analysis, Quantum Field theory, we are all connected, A Brief Summary Of Events In Human History As Per Bible. Part of Surat Al-add 57:25 reads And We sent down iron, wherein is great military might and benefits for the people, and so that Allah may make evident those who support Him and His messengers unseen. Although one could say some iron has been sent down in the form of meteors, most of earths iron was gathered together along with all the other elements during the formation of the earth. Find out more. The expansion of the universe is one of the most important pieces of evidence that the universe was created out of nothing. Then the results of the WMAP mission and observations of distant supernova have suggested that the expansion of the universe is actually accelerating, which implies the existence of a form of matter with a strong negative pressure. This also goes along with the context of the verse after, which again speaks about Gods ability/power to spread out the earth: And We have spread out the (spacious) earth: How excellently We do spread out! Counterargument: False translation. are used. The word ratq can be translated into entity sewn to Why did US v. Assange skip the court of appeal? thank you for your research and intelligent and profound work that supports the holy book Quran and i will never forget how amazing this article was. Later on, Einstein was to identify his act as 'the greatest mistake of his career'. I think :> )The Quran is not meant to be proved by miracles, its an just all in one guide to understanding Life and God. Home Page | OC Public Libraries - ocpl.org The only Good to mention is that you will find older translations that actually translate the word to "expanding". Note : By clicking record you are allowing us to broadcast your message on any of our platforms. That the Quran mentioned such a fact centuries before the invention of the first telescope, at a time when there was primitive knowledge in science, is considered remarkable. This blog is about to debunk the expanding universe vs Quran verse 51:47 . And the heaven We constructed with strength, and indeed, We are [its] expander. Unlike other highways, souls lost on Carbon Canyon Road never leave. This claim is false. Ibn Ashur gave something like this as an introduction to comment on the verse in his tafsir at-tahrir wa-Tanwir adding that means strength, but it is originated from the hands, but due to the use of this expression it became a synonym of strength and in this verse and in surat saad refers to a strength that nobody can excel! (The Qur'an, 21:104). I grew up in East Texas and now resides in San Antonio. The sprouting of a seed from Why register? According to many Islamic sources, Quran 51:47 refers to the expansion of the universe, a phenomenon that has been made known to us in the recent century. General Commercial. Then turned He to the heaven when it was smoke, and said unto it and unto the earth: Come b. Well from what I do understand this meaning is not excluded, as in this verse the major meaning is to show the ability of Allah, HIS power and strength to create and expand the heaven, which indeed is a greater and more difficult construct or creation than any other of Allahs creations including mankind and earth. 1929, he published the velocity-time relation which is the basis of modern Glass is usually formed by melting sand. Each of them seemed just as empty as any other religion. expanding-universe theory was accepted by scientists and astronomers alike. Quran also mentioned the day of doom which implies that universe is not eternal. If you find any joy or stimulation at Atheist Republic, please consider becoming a Supporting Member with a recurring monthly donation of your choosing, between a cup of tea and a good dinner. [That is] a promise binding upon Us. EMPH emphatic prefix lm ( ), N nominative masculine plural (form IV) active participle ( ), ( ): Spacious/Ample/Abundunt/ also means be possible, be in ones power to comprehend, to encompass/ Waseeh Wusat/ AlWasoh Power; capacity; authority; wealth; opportunity/ Saat Width or extent; ampleness of means, or plentifulness; capacity or power; wealth/ Osaah He became Rich/ Mosioun as in 51:47 where some took its meaning as We are maker of Vast extent Or We are steadily expanding it, Isaiah 42:5 Miracle: who created the heavens and stretched them out, If You Do Not Repent Within 50 Years You Will Be Finished From This Planet. Let's see the verse!In the meantime, let me give you some actual references. For example, Surah 33:46 says a lamp spreading light (Arabic muneeraa) and makes this very clear when it says about the sun spreading light. Expansion of the universe . As of now, it is a proved fact that the universe is expanding. In the Quran, Allah frequently reminds us of rain coming from the sky, as provision for his creation: Do you not see that Allah sends down rain from the sky and makes it flow as springs [and rivers] in the earth; . (39:21). In verses such as these, the term 'samaa' cannot be used to denote the wider universe, but rather the closer regions of Earth's atmosphere to us. Also check out Medi1Saifs answer. One hardly needs to point out that the stars, sun and moon are nowhere near the Earths atmosphere. This wont turn down the muslims. And of course if the Arabic meaning exists somewhere in traditional Arabic literature such as Jahili poems that might also be accepted. And the fifth, possessors of vastness (in ability) nothing that we desire (to do) is difficult, this was cited by al-Mwardi., [Ab al-asan al-Mward]: There are five sayings: The first, expanding sustenance through the rain, said by al-asan. This root occurs 32 times in the Quran, in six derived forms. One example of a pre-twentieth century translation is With power and skill did We construct the Firmament: for it is We Who create the vastness of space. It seems this is something a Texas sharpshooter fallacy, whereby Muslims have updated the translation to accommodate what the evidence reveals. been expanding from this single point. To better understand, the universe can be thought of as the surface of a balloon being blown up. If we would translate it as most traditional mufassiron (Quranic commentators), then the given verse wouldn't refer to the expansion of the universe: And the heaven We constructed with strength, and indeed, We are able to. Secondly, if one looks at the verses before and after this verse, one can see very clearly that it cannot have anything to do with the gaseous state of the universe. There are other claims of science in the Quran, but each and every one of them has been debunked. The earth is an oblate spheroid. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Most of the debate pertaining to this verse is centered on the word 'musioona', and whether it implies an expansion of space in the past, or a continuous & ongoing expansion. It does however follow very precisely creation mythologies that were believed in at the time of Muhammad. Quran in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Spanish And Urdu. "He who begins by loving Christianity more than Truth, will proceed by loving his sect or church better than Christianity, and end in loving himself better than all.". None of them could have thought of a dynamic expanding universe. cosmology. In 1929, astronomer Edwin Hubble with his superior telescope in the Mount Wilson Observatory revealed that the galaxies were receding from the Earth and that there is a direct relationship between the speeds of distant galaxies and their distances from Earth. The above verses prove that the universe had a Like most state highways, Carbon Canyon Road, located near Brea, California, has had its share of accidents. This comment has been removed by the author. There are multiple other verses (15:19, 20:53, 43:10, 50:7, 51:48, 71:19, 78:6) translated as the earth is a bed, carpet or other flat surface. The verb fataq is universe? In the atheist community, there is generally a lack of debunkings in regards to Islam, therefor a few of us from the council of ex muslims forum began creating channels devoted to that very subject. However, this said, you will find other (mostly modern) scholars interpreting the word to mean "Indeed We are expanding it". astronomers. may Allah reward you abundantly for the contribution toward the development Islam in the world. One Hundred Above-board Questions about God, Why There Is No God: Quick Responses to 10 Common Theist Arguments. And the heaven, We built it with craftsmanship and We are still expanding. Quran and Modern Science: Compatible or Incompatible? In Surah 96, the "clot" corresponded with how people understood childbirth at the time. The Quran on the Expanding Universe and the Big Bang Theory, This article delineates the correlation between the most accepted scientific explanation of the origin and expansion of the Universe, and the description of its origin and expansion in the Quran, The Scientific Miracles of the Holy Quran, The Scientific Miracles of the Prophet Muhammad Sayings, Muhammad in the Bible and Other Scriptures, The Authenticity and Preservation of the Holy Quran, What Others Say about Islam, Muhammad, and the Quran, The Six Pillars of Faith and Other Islamic Beliefs, The Five Pillars of Islam and Other Acts of Worship, The Creation of The Sky (Quran and Science series), The Unseen Pillars (Quran and Science series). How to combine several legends in one frame? This strange form of matter with negative pressure is called dark energy, and it is a big mystery in science. The most popular interpretation today is the first mentioned (expansion of Universe), the reason is clearly a subjective choice since it fits good with the Big Bang theory, proving the divinity of the Quran. Just to clarify, I understand that Arabic words can mean multiple things - 'samaa' can be either "sky" or "heaven"- but is it possible to know for certain which of these meanings is meant in 51:47 (i.e without using a potential scientific interpretation)? I Love Quran. every living thing? The sources are well quoted in the answer. precise meaning of each word in Arabic in the verse, as well as the overall The Quran reveals the gaseous state of the universe pre-big bang before this was known. DEBUNKED | Quran expanding universe scientific miracle - YouTube Muslims claim that Surah 51:47 of the Qur'an mentions that the universe is expanding. Beside the other option of the meaning of which is a vast space between the heaven and earth. I am looking forward to read your answer on this particular question if you get time to post :). These are some of the main claims of scientific miracles in the Quran but there are others. LOL! The "miracle" of the Quran is that it does seem to match the observable facts, whether the reader lived 1400 years ago, or today. I have read those verses about big bang, but that was many years later when i came to live in USA then i read about dicovery of tow scientests a bout big bang( that was exactly stated in Qur'an). was not known, and people used the word heaven to refer to what lies above the Find out more, Prophecies and Scientific knowledge in Bible preserved since 3 Millenniums There isnt even enough water on earth to flood all the land. the heavens and earth were created. What the scholars could explain was the The article/video you have requested doesn't exist yet. In the initial expansion of the early Universe, all that existed was a dense, hot, mass of energy. Islam Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for Muslims, experts in Islam, and those interested in learning more about Islam. revelation from God, The Creator and Originator of the universe. Send us your views and opinions, your personal stories, messages of support, comments on recent news, or any comments you would like to share about your part of the world. I have been a member of the online atheist community for over ten years. When the light an object emits is displaced toward the red end of the spectrum. The third, [we are] powerful, able, said by Ibn Quaybah. See Tafsir Tabari, Razi, Zamakhshari, Qurtubi, Baydawi. I came across an article saying how the Qu'ran contains modern science finding, and these are proof that it could not have been written by a single. Most other translations today seems to (subjectively) ignore that translation and translate it to expansion: . And the heaven We created with might, and indeed We are (its) This website is for people of various faiths who seek to understand Islam and Muslims. An emphatic prefix and active participle. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. The article/video you have requested doesn't exist yet. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. about the universe. Slipher, noticed that the galaxies were moving away from In fact cultures as far flung as Tibet and the Aborigines of Australia were all aware that meteors fell to earth containing iron. The Quran might just as well have mentioned any number of elements. rev2023.4.21.43403. As long as the meanings are derived from the possible meanings set in the original Arabic, then our understanding will not be wrong. [The Qur'an 20:15]Almighty God explanation on end of days about what will happen to our flat universe.The Day when We will fold the heaven like the folding of a [written] sheet for the records. deserves to be praised, Dua (Supplication) (part 3 of 4): Why dua remains unanswered, Dua (Supplication) (part 4 of 4): Even Prophets joined together or closed up. But expanded isnt a totally unacceptable translation. What it does contain are several verses which if twisted to conform to modern knowledge, may appear insightful to nave individuals suffering from hindsight bias. Atheist Republic - 2443 Fillmore St #380-8406 San Francisco, CA 94115| Atheist Republic 2020 | Registered 501(c)(3). It has to be stated that 'zero volume' is a theoretical expression used for descriptive purposes. Do not the unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were one piece before we clove them asunder, and we made every living thing of water? Debunking all 'miracles of the Quran'. - rationalskepticism.org Indeed the Qur'an refers to the universe has having expanded, but such hardly proposes a miraculous prediction of modern science, since such ideas flourished prior to the rise of Islam. But more importantly, the Quran is clearly not talking about the atmosphere but about the heavens where the moon, sun, planets and stars are because it also says We have adorned the lower heaven with the beauty of the stars. (Surah 37:6) and also he made the moon a light in in their midst and made the sun as a lamp. (Surah 71:15-16). / . "(The Qur'an, 51:47)"Verily, the Hour is surely coming. At its time in Arabia, poetry to them was like Street Rap. This discovery had an electrifying effect in the world of science, because according to the recognized rules of physics, the spectra of light beams traveling towards the point of observation tend towards violet while the spectra of the light beams moving away from the point of observation tend towards red. (with Hands ), meaning, with strength, according to 'Abdullah bin 'Abbas, Mujahid, Qatadah, Ath-Thawri and several others, (Verily, We are able to extend the vastness of space thereof. Dua (Supplication) (part 1 of 4): What is Dua? The modern translation of Surat Adh-Dhriyt 51:47 reads And the heaven We constructed with strength, and indeed, We are [its] expander. This is compared with the now known ongoing expansion of the universe. universe) where once joined together, and then split apart. Once again, the My own understanding of this verse is that some kind of expansion is included in the verses, but as the translation used in the quote from qtafsir shows the salafi view is that is equal to with hands, and may create confusion, if there was not a traditional interpretation as the one of ibn 'Abbas we would have here an issue, as strength would be considered as an interpretation which is not allowed for Allah's attributes by salafi scholars. theory go identically hand in hand with the description of the creation of the The fields below are optional but the E-mail field will be necessary should you forget your password. Received. Number eight. I look forward to watching them. (Courtesy: NASA). What is this brick with a round back and a stud on the side used for? What does Allah have against cobalt? How to Convert to Islam and Become a Muslim, Angels (part 1 of 3): Created to worship and obey God, The Story of Adam (part 1 of 5): The First Man, The Story of Adam (part 2 of 5): The Creation of Eve and the Role of Satan, The Story of Adam (part 4 of 5): Life on Earth, The Miraculous Quran (part 1 of 11): My Path to Islam, Stephanie, Ex-Catholic, South Africa (part 6 of 6), Angels (part 2 of 3): God bestowed might and power upon the angels, Khadija Evans, Ex-Catholic, USA (part 2 of 2), Happiness in Islam (part 3 It says God created the earth, then he created the hills on the earth, and then it says he turned to the heavens when they were smoke. DEBUNKED | Quran expanding universe scientific miracle Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. What's the cheapest way to buy out a sibling's share of our parents house if I have no cash and want to pay less than the appraised value? Expanding Universe In Quran. - Miracles Of Quran However with more and more data analyzed from our various space based telescopes. In fact Abdur Raheem Green, the author, regurgitates so many old miracle claims one wonders whether he actually believes any of it at all. 3$ / month : $3.00 USD - monthly7$ / month : $7.00 USD - monthly15$ / month : $15.00 USD - monthly25$ / month : $25.00 USD - monthly50$ / month : $50.00 USD - monthly100$ / month : $100.00 USD - monthly. What importance, then, did the fact that the universe expands have on the existence of the universe? An ostrich egg is a prolate spheroid. Science can define the concept of 'nothingness', which is beyond the limits of human comprehension, only by expressing it as a point with zero volume'. Why wasnt argon mentioned? Counterargument: False translation. There is no doubt quran is the word of the creator Oh I see it's Truth now I understood Quran is the book of God. Quran Says Universe Is Expanding - The Last Dialogue This is quite simply wrong. The possibility remains, that Sura 79: 27-6 refers to space, while Sura 41: 11-2 along with Sura 21: 30 refers to structural matter within this expanded or expanding space; but then. The consistency between Modern Science and Quran -II, The consistency between modern science and Quran - I, The Miracle of Honey as an Alternative Medicine. Let's see if this is really. Get the book "Why There Is No God" and one more book for FREE! It is also said: We are able (qdirn) with the meaning of ability (qah) and power (qudrah). The Universe expansion rate is actually increasing. 8/4/2021. If we accept the meaning given, it was already known about anyway. The writings of Aristotle, Hippocrates, Galen and others describe these things long before the Quran and the Quran is simply drawing on knowledge that was prevalent at the time. [2] (40:57). Big Bang from Islamic Perspective | About Islam The verse points out that space, and thus the universe, happens to 1929 in the hands of the well known American astronomer Edwin Hubble. Expanding Universe | Islam's Intolerance

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